Revelation Chapter Three

Revelation Image: "Alpha-Omega"



3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.

The ruins of Sardis are located in and near
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Are You a Good Person Comic Strip

Mr. Nice GuyMeet Mr. Nice Guy. If good people go to heaven he will be first in line. Let’s find out how he stacks up against the Ten Commandments. Continue reading

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The Good Works of the Left

Red Star image loadingWhen a person or a nation turns away from God, like most on the Left, which is the same as turning against God, their wisdom becomes corrupted. God said to the King of Tyrus (He was actually speaking to Continue reading

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Wednesday is Crucifixion Day

The Old Rugged Cross

Wednesday is the day of the Crucifixion of Christ; Good Friday is not the day of the Crucifixion. In order to arrive at this conclusion we must go to the scriptures. Continue reading

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Can People Be Saved Where There is No Gospel?


The Word

Can people who live in areas of the world where there are no missionaries, no Bibles, and no mention of the Name of Jesus be saved having never heard the Gospel? The answer is both yes and no, and that is without equivocation. Continue reading

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The Gap Theory

The Gap Theory; Image: From "Earth from Space" by solo @

Two Earth Gap?

The Gap Theory states that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. After creating the earth it was inhabited by prehistoric flora and fauna such as dinosaurs and extinct plants. Sometime after, Satan rebelled with his angels resulting in Continue reading

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Satan’s Rebellion and Fall

Image-Fulmine-300px.png-loading for Satan - Rebellion and Fall


The question has been asked, “When did Satan fall like lightning from Heaven?” A similar question is “When did Satan’s rebellion occur?” Both questions refer to the same event.

We read in Ecclesiastes that there is nothing new under the sun. What has happened in the past will happen again. Our problem is that we do not remember the past and thus whatever we think is new has already existed in the past. See Ecc 1:9-11. That is in the Word of God and there is no error. Therefore, when we observe the Scripture closely, we see multiple occurrences of events. Continue reading

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New Revelation Series

Revelation Study Image, "Alpha-Omega"loading


Here is the New Revelation Series. In August of 2001, I wrote and posted a commentary on the Book of Revelation. It was updated Continue reading

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Progressive Liberalism Syndrome

"liberty" image loading


Some folks in the world seem to exhibit symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Here are some of the symptoms: Continue Reading »

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Who Was the Son of Man?

Image "Bar&quot& Loading

Bar, Hebrew for Son

Jesus claimed to be the Son of Man. But who was the Son of Man? Let us investigate. Most Bible Scholars agree that the Gospel of Mark was the earliest written account of Jesus’ ministry. We know that from the writings of the several ancient writers. Continue reading

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Rom 8:24-25 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? (25) But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

Before we discuss predestination, let us review the context surrounding it. Have you ever wanted something badly that you could not get for whatever reason. When you did not possess it, Continue reading

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Sinner’s Prayer

Praying Hands


When some evangelical churches offer an invitation at the end of the service, there are several things many do today that are incompatible with the Scriptures such as the sinner’s prayer. The ones I wish to discuss in this post are: Continue reading

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Words Rendered “Hell” in the King James Version

Picture of Fire and Darkness


The purpose of this essay is to help folks understand the reality of Hell.

We understand that Hell is a place of torment as we see from the passage about Lazarus and the Rich man in Continue reading

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6 Days Before Passover & Passion Week Graphic

3 Crosses

The image at the end of this essay (below) is a graphic representation that lays out the narrative and timeline of the Crucifixion of Christ.It begins with the six days before Passover inscribed in John 12:1 and terminates with the High Sabbath at the end of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. A Sabbath that occurs outside of the Continue reading

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To Offend or Not to Offend, That is the Question

This desire to not offend is the Left’s understanding of the Biblical Golden Rule. The Golden Rule works well for those that know how to use it. Unfortunately, atheists, agnostics, and unbelievers do not know how to use it. The Golden Rule comes from the Scriptures and basically states, “Treat others Continue reading

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The abbreviations BC and AD are no longer PC. Many American institutions have been infiltrated by the left, such as Federal and State governments, public schools, public buildings, parks, etc. Such institutions are changing or have changed BC to BCE, and AD to CE. Continue reading

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Attributes of God

Sovereign’s Crown

There is one statement that I am hearing often. It goes something like this: “My God is a loving God and He would not judge my sin.” Celebrities make the statement, politicians make it, and ordinary people on the street make it. Yes, God is a loving God. But that is only one of His attributes; let us take a moment to list His other attributes: Continue reading

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Accept Jesus as Savior?

Faith/Belief ImageYou won’t find “accept” in the KJV in the context of salvation, but you will find it in more modern versions. It is in the KJV in one verse, Acts 24:3. But it is not about salvation. Neither will you find the words “ask Jesus into your heart.” Continue reading

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Children of the Covenant

I call this sermon “Children of the Covenant” to illustrate that we as Christians are covenant people. We, like Israel, are people who have a covenant with God (see Jer. 31:31-34 & Heb. 9:15).

Covenant. We see that word in our current law books. It is an integral part of the Uniform Commercial Code. It is one of the most important aspects of life. So what is a covenant? Is it a contract or an agreement? Continue reading

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Will You Be Allowed in Heaven When You Die?

Are You a Good Person

The Good Person Test

Many people believe that as long as they are a good person, they will have access to Heaven. What they usually mean is that they have never committed any serious crimes, they are good citizens, they take care of their families, they work hard with honesty to earn their living, etc. Some think that as long as the good things they do outweigh the bad things they do that will earn them access to Heaven. Some believe that because God is a God of love, that He will allow all people into Heaven. Others believe that all religions ultimately lead to Heaven. Do any of these scenarios sound like you? Do you think you are good enough to get to heaven? Find out for sure. Take the Good Person Test.

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White Elephant in the Room

Public Domain

White Elephant

A white elephant is a possession someone has that is no longer needed, or at least something that people do not want to be there, yet it remains there.

An elephant in the room is an obvious problem that people want to ignore and that no one wants to discuss or even broach the subject. Continue reading

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Rudderless and Anchorless

Fouled Anchor

Are you concerned about the lawlessness, hatred, and disunity in our Republic today? You should be. I am. Why has our once unified Country become so fragmented? There is a reason. Continue reading

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The Millennium

Revelation 20:1-3  And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.  And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years Continue reading

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