The Truth About Nazis

Updated 2/26/2013

You know, the political right often gets saddled with labels. Well there is one label that is used totally incorrectly. That label is Nazi. Nazi is a diminutive for National Socialist. The word Nazi is derived from the German pronunciation of “national.” Note that socialist is the operative word.

Let me first explain that in a communist country a liberal believes in the free market and Western democratic ideas. While a conservative in a communist country is a socialist and communist, that is, one who wishes to keep the status quo. The two terms are exact opposites in a Western democratic or republican country such as the USA. Yes, we are a constitutional republic which is referred to as a republican form of government; we are not a democracy.

So the right wing in a democratic nation is opposed to big authoritarian government, is in favor of freedom, liberty, religious freedom, gun ownership, private property, and the preservation of the family. And the left wing has just the opposite views. They support a strong, central, authoritarian government. They are opposed to religious freedom, the family, individualism, private property, free speech, and gun ownership. They prefer government that is all-inclusive, dictating their world-view upon all.

In a socialist country it is the right wing that support a strong, central, authoritarian government and are opposed to religious freedom, the family, private property, free speech, and gun ownership. In a socialist country it is the left wing that are opposed to big authoritarian government, is in favor of freedom, liberty, religious freedom, gun ownership, private property, and the preservation of the family.

Well, you need to understand this. In Germany, in 1919, the Weimar Republic came into being. The political party that led the Weimar Republic was the Social Democratic Party, a socialist entity. Socialism then was the law of the land. Though the socialism of Germany could not have been considered communist, it was yet socialist and would have been termed left-wing in the United States. So the right wing in socialist pre-war Germany would have been those who wanted to keep a socialist Germany in place. I realize that Hitler and his followers were opposed to the Weimar Republic, not because it was socialist, but that it was weak. They wanted a stronger central government, but they still wanted socialism. That made them the far-right in Germany in the early part or the 20th Century.

In 1919, the birth year of the Weimar Republic, Adolf Hitler joined the Bavarian German Workers Party (National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP), which later became the National Socialist Party or the Nazi party.

The Nazis, a right-wing extremist group, were far-right socialists. The right-wing Nazis in Germany supported a strong, central, authoritarian government and were opposed to religious freedom, the family, private property, free speech, and gun ownership. They were elitist and racists. They considered the master race to be “Aryans”. They were in favor of the complete annihilation of the Jews and any other group that were not so-called “Aryans”.

Hmmmmm! That sounds amazingly like the Left-Wing Extremists in the United States. The left in the United States have co-opted the right wing Nazi party and incorrectly applied the title “right-wing” to conservatism in the United States when it should be realistically applied, if the truth were told, to the liberal left-wing establishment in the USA. The far-left are the true Nazis in the United States.

Let me say this. If the Left-Wing in the United States could get away with it, their enemies would soon be annihilated as well. Right now they must use the politics of personal destruction to politically annihilate their enemies. But make no mistake, socialists believe that the end justifies the means and they would not hesitate to stoop to the levels of Stalin and Hitler if given the chance. Just remember the fiery deaths of all those children at Waco. Don’t forget that a child and mother were murdered at Ruby Ridge. And remember Elian Gonzales. Those things would be normal in America if the far-left had government their way.

When applied to the political right in the United States, the term Nazi is completely incorrect. They were socialists and socialism is a term that may be correctly applied to the political left in America. It is just another example of the left spreading lies to stigmatize and demonize their opponents. Wasn’t it Hitler who said, “If you tell a lie loud enough, long enough, and often enough, the people will believe it”?

Addendum. Fascism can be properly applied to the political left in America as well. Webster defines fascism as “any program for setting up a centralized autocratic national regime with severely nationalistic policies, exercising regimentation of industry, commerce, and finance, rigid censorship, and forcible suppression of opposition”. Now who in America best fits that definition? The Left, of course. As an example look no further than the McCain-Feingold 527 organizations. The Kerry camp wished to keep all 527 organizations that support them and want to get rid of the one 527 that supported Bush. They tried unsuccessfully to stop that 527 by force using the courts. That is “forcible suppression of opposition” is it not?

Note also that the Obama Administration is in the process of acquiring government control of private industry, to wit, General Motors, Chrysler, AIG, many banks, etc, etc, etc. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were already in this fascist condition. Fascism on the rise in America. And it is the members of the American political left that are doing it. So who is truly the “Nazi?”

© 4/28/2004, Mark Oaks. All rights reserved

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